Update on WIDA ACCESS Testing
We submitted the following questions to the MNPS EL office. Below are their responses.
Q: Why hasn’t MNPS cancelled ACCESS/WIDA testing?
MNPS is giving ACCESS/WIDA testing to comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) §1177. Each year, school districts must assess EL students' language growth and proficiency to meet the US Department of Education and TDOE requirements. The US DOE recently released additional information around the required assessment. https://oese.ed.gov/files/2021/01/English-Learner-Fact-Sheet-Addendum-01-18-2021.pdf. The TDOE extended the testing window by two additional weeks to give more time to test students and allow for small testing groups.
Q: What is the plan for EL teachers who have accommodations to work remotely if the test is required in-person?
A: Principals are working with their teachers to create testing plans. Teachers that have an approved accommodation will only come into the school for in-person if they are comfortable doing so. If a teacher has an approved accommodation and is not comfortable testing, they will not be required to do so.
Q: What precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of students and educators during testing if school buildings are still closed due to COVID, but the testing has to be done in person?
A: The same protocols that were used to open buildings in the fall will still be in place. Students and staff must wear masks throughout testing, even during the Speaking test. All test locations are prepared with PPE and cleaning supplies. All schools have adequate supplies and can request more if needed. Custodial services have been notified and are ready to support schools with additional cleaning during testing.
Q: Is there any chance that Dr. Battle will request a waiver for in-person testing from the state education commissioner because of our current COVID community transmission rate?
A: There are no plans to request a waiver, as the state would have to be granted one from the federal government as well.
Q: What plans are in place to cover EL classrooms while EL teachers are testing? There is a specific concern that students will be divided up and sent to other classrooms when buildings reopen, but we want to ensure class sizes stay small to allow for social distancing.
A: Each school has created a plan to ensure COVID procedures are followed and there is coverage for classes while the in-person teachers are testing.