What to expect when the Covid tracker reaches 7


COVID-19 Tracker

·      Metrics from asafenashville.org are used to determine the COVID-19 Risk Score: 7-day positivity rate (20%), cases per 100K (60%), transmission rate (20%).

·      If MNPS is in-person and the risk score goes above 7, MNPS will continue to monitor the metrics. They will prioritize students being in-person but not ignore the tracker metrics. If the metrics go in the wrong direction, MNPS will notify everyone as soon as possible.


Phase-In Planning

·      Phase-in for in-person learning will be announced after the risk score goes below 7.

·      Special day schools, Pre-K-4, and some middle and high school EE students will return first.

·      Next, grades 5 and 9 will begin after the risk score maintains or further decreases below 7.

·      Then, grades 6-8 and 10-12 will be phased-in if the score maintains or further decreases below 7.



·      The vaccine schedule will prioritize staff to follow the phase-in plan.

·      MNPS encourages staff to take the COVID vaccine, but it will not be mandated.

·      Vaccinations are expected to be available to teachers in late February or early March, depending on vaccine supply.

·      The district is developing plans to prepare for the possibility of receiving Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. 


School Nurses

·      The goal is to have at least one nurse per school. Schools with higher populations or greater need may be assigned more.

·      Nurses are contracted through the Metro Health Department.

·      School nurses will do contact tracing along with regular day-to-day nursing duties


Contact Tracing

·      The Metro Public Health Dept. has offered to provide additional supports for contact tracing and COVID-19 compliance monitors can also provide support.


COVID-19 Compliance Monitors (Partnership with Meharry Medical College)

·      COVID-19 compliance monitors will ensure protocols are being followed and support school staff with implementation of CDC guidelines. They will make sure students and staff are complying with CDC guidelines and give guidance and help when needed.

·      There will be one per school. Schools with higher populations may be assigned more.

·      They will be at schools to monitor CDC compliance – not monitor staff. Their role is not supervisory or punitive.

·      COVID-19 compliance monitors will help to make school environments as safe as possible with the goal of keeping schools open. This is a preventative measure.

·      The intent of having an extra person as a COVID-19 compliance monitor is for the monitor to be responsible for the health component so principals, teachers, and staff can focus on their primary job responsibilities and let the compliance monitors worry about schools being in compliance with CDC guidelines.


COVID Testing (Partnership with Meharry Medical College)

·      The district is developing a plan to implement testing protocols for students and staff using rapid and PCR tests to reduce transmission in schools.

·      The goal is to keep school buildings open by making the school environment as safe as possible. This is a preventative measure.

·      Testing teams will rotate through assigned schools to do volunteer sampling for testing to identify potential hot spots.

·      Testing in schools will allow the district to have informed data to use when deciding to close individual classrooms or schools.