MNEA is the ONLY organization run by public school educators for public school educators. Our leadership is comprised of elected current MNPS educators. We are dedicated to advocating for public education from the classroom to the boardroom.
We provide legal assistance, representation, and advocacy to individual members. However, we also provide organizing and problem-solving assistance at the building level through our association representative teams. At the district level, our representative assembly meets monthly to discuss, debate, and ultimately pass legislation that drives the work of our association to fulfill our vision and mission.
We also have three action committees: advocacy, professional practices, and social justice. These committees are charged with leading the organizing work of MNEA campaigns. Members wishing to be more active should consider joining one of our action committees!
The Metropolitan Nashville Education Association (MNEA) was founded on April 15, 1964 upon unification of Nashville City Schools and Davidson County Schools and the merger of the Nashville Teachers Association, the City Teachers Association, the Davidson County Education Association, and the Davidson County Education Congress, which had formed a consortium, called the Education Council, to provide representational services to members and improve education in our community. The Education Council represented one of the first efforts to unite black and white teachers’ organizations in the South.
Minutes of the Board meeting of Nashville Teachers Association show that it existed as far back as 1895, and archival records in the MNEA office indicate the Davidson County Education Congress existed as far back as 1915.