Steps When Seeking a Workplace Accommodation
Seeking a Workplace Accommodation?
Follow these steps:
Submit a COVID-19 Accommodations Employee Request Form to
Ask your health care provider to complete a COVID-19 High/Increased Risk Identification Clarification form. Submit this completed form to
You will receive an email from the Third-Party Administrator (TPA), ASC/DAVIES, verifying the information submitted by your healthcare provider and ranking your comorbidities as high or intermediate risk. Receipt of this email does signify you have a workplace accommodation.
After you receive an email from the TPA, your principal/supervisor will receive information confirming your risk levels. At this point, YOU need to contact your principal/supervisor to request an accommodations meeting. Review this post to prepare for the meeting:
At your accommodations meeting, you are entitled to MNEA representation. If you would like representation, notify your principal and give them the email address for your assigned TEA UniServ. If you aren’t sure how to contact your assigned TEA UniServ, go here:
When you schedule your meeting, contact MNEA immediately so we can add the meeting to our calendar and schedule a consultation with you prior to your accommodations meeting. Our schedules fill quickly so it is imperative you schedule your consultation appointment as soon as possible. You may call, email, or complete the web form here:
You do NOT have an accommodation until you have met with your principal/supervisor, agreed on appropriate accommodations, and have a COVID-19 Accommodations Agreement Form that has been signed by both parties.
For more information about accommodations and the process, go here
If you need any of the referenced forms, email