the Accommodations Email and PECCA Wins


Questions Regarding Documentation for Accommodations and PECCA Update

We have heard from several members about concerns related to an email sent out Wednesday afternoon to teachers who indicated on an earlier survey that they had existing preconditions making them more vulnerable to complications related to COVID-19.

Specifically, the main concerns are:

  1. The time frame to submit the required medical documentation is unrealistic (by Monday, August 17th) especially if appointments must be made with physicians.

  2. Teachers do not understand the process in which they are engaged. It’s not clear why they are submitting personal medical information and what will be done with it.

In response, MNEA has asked for an extension to the deadline of at least two weeks, and also that the district create a communication better explaining the process. We are still negotiating the deadline, but look for a communication regarding the process tomorrow. We will post another update regarding the deadline as soon as we receive it.

Why is MNPS asking us for this information and what are they going to do with it?

The district is using different federal leave laws to provide additional accommodations to protect teachers with preexisting conditions from COVID-19. For example, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), If an employee voluntarily discloses that they have a specific medical condition or disability that puts them at increased risk of influenza complications, the employer must keep this information confidential. The employer may ask them to describe the type of assistance they think will be needed (e.g. telework or leave for a medical appointment). If you completed the earlier survey about preexisting conditions sent by HR, this would be how you “voluntarily disclosed” your medical condition.

Here is a link to our earlier blog post about questions related to the previous HR survey.

If you are a member of TEA, you can access a clearinghouse of information related to teachers and COVID at the TEA website.

Wins for PECCA!

The MNEA PECCA team and the MNPS management team held our first negotiations today. These negotiations are a “re-opener” of our current MOU and are focussed on emergency safety protocols related to COVID-19. We will return to full negotiations of a new MOU later in the year.

Our first meeting was very positive and productive. All members voted unanimously in support of the following:

  1. Adding an appeal process for teachers who receive a reprimand in response to refusing to follow a directive that would endanger their health and safety.

  2. Making FACs an official vehicle for teachers to negotiate changes to building-level safety plans, and eliminating the deadline by which an FAC must be formed.

  3. Creating a safety clearinghouse webpage on sharepoint for employees to quickly access policies, procedures, and links to help in reporting safety concerns. This will include a link to union representatives.

We will continue to meet for more negotiations. Stay tuned for more wins!

#WeIsGreaterThanMe #NashvilleRed4Ed #NashvilleTeachers #UnionStrong #MNEA
