Preparation for Transfer or New Assignment After First Instructional Day
Following attendance counts at the beginning of each year, staff is shifted to cover positions where there is increased enrollment. The process is to ask for volunteers to move into those positions. If there are no volunteers, the last person hired is displaced, with programming needs taken into consideration.
Per the MOU, teachers being transferred to new positions have time to set up their new classrooms and other protections as outlined below.
New Assignment, Same Building. After the first instructional day, if a transfer or new assignment occurs within a building, the professional employee shall be afforded the opportunity to have any materials and equipment transported to the new location and to receive one entire school (or work) day for transition and preparation.
New Assignment, Different Building. After the first instructional day, if a transfer or new assignment is from one building to another, the professional employee shall be afforded the opportunity to have any materials and equipment transported to the new location and to receive two entire school (or work) days to prepare.
Moving Locations/Buildings. A professional employee shall not be required or directed to move any materials or equipment other than during the school (or work) day.
Equipment, Instructional Materials, and Training. The principal shall requisition all equipment and instructional materials required to teach the content standards within one week of the professional employee’s transfer or new assignment. For additional supplemental material needs, please see Fringe Benefits section contained herein. The school or district shall be responsible for the cost of attending any training or professional development that may be required as a result of the transfer or new assignment.
TEAM Evaluation Schedule. If the transfer or new assignment causes a change in grade level or subject area, the principal and the professional employee shall meet and collaborate on an evaluation schedule for the remainder of the semester.
Source: Memorandum of Understanding p. 40-41