What should I do if the MOU isn't being followed?

My school isn’t following the MOU. How can this be fixed?

Violations can include more than just the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). All MNPS Board Policies and Procedures, Tennessee State Law, Federal Law, State Board of Education Policies, Procedures, and Guidance AND the MOU must be followed. Any misinterpretation and/or misapplication of these should be addressed.

One way to address violations is to submit documentation of violations to your Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC). During monthly FAC meetings, documented violations may be addressed, and solutions presented to your building admin. The solutions are simple – ask your admin to simply adhere to the MOU, law, policy, procedure, or guidance that is not being followed. If your admin refuses, contact MNEA leadership for support.

If you don’t have an FAC, MNEA leadership would love to help you form one! Email info@mnea.com for guidance.

My school doesn’t have an FAC and need help now!

DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT! MNEA members need to document violations for one week, if possible. The documentation needs to include name, work location, grade/team, date of violation, and a brief summary.

For example, if educators at your school are not getting 180-minutes of self-selected, independent planning time each week, the documentation might look like this:

Maria Smith

ABC School

3rd Grade

Planning time = 60 min/day

Monday, 12-01: mandatory meeting with ELA coach (60 min)

Tuesday, 12-02: mandatory meeting with math coach (60 min)

Wednesday, 12-03: made to cover a class (60 min)

Thursday, 12-04: mandatory grade level meeting (30 min) & individual planning (30 min)

Friday, 12-05: individual planning (60 min)

Summary: 150 min of mandatory meetings, 60 min covering classes, 90 min individual planning

ALL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. Click here for a downloadable data collection sheet or you may create your own.

After data has been collected for one week, email the documentation to info@mnea.com. MNEA leadership will address the violations with MNPS leadership and work to correct the violations.

There are still violations!

A grievance may be submitted following the guidance on pp.16-21 of the MOU. Prior to submitting a grievance, contact MNEA leadership or the TEA UniServ Director for guidance and support. MNEA leadership can help with the wording of the grievance and if an informal or formal grievance needs to be submitted. If there is documentation from multiple MNEA members at a school, MNEA leadership can file a grievance on behalf of the members.

If you need help to resolve violations at your work location, contact MNEA leadership for support.