Back to School Q & A for Educators


Q: If I go to my building, what should I expect?

A: If you choose to work at your building, you will check your temp upon arrival. You need to wear appropriate PPE and maintain social distancing. If you are working alone in your classroom, you may take off your mask. Before you leave your classroom, you need to put it back on and maintain social distancing while moving about the building.

Q: If I teach at an extended day school, will my pay stay the same during virtual teaching?

A: Yes, your virtual work schedule will be similar to your in-person work schedule so your pay will remain the same.

Q: Do I have to complete the survey from MNPS HR asking about the need for accommodations during the global pandemic? What if my principal also asks me to complete a survey?

A: No, completion of the MNPS HR survey is completely voluntary. This district is collecting information about the potential need for accommodations. You do not need to complete a similar survey for your building principal.

Q: Do I have to do virtual teaching from my classroom?

A: No, do not have to use your classroom for virtual teaching. If you want to go to your classroom, you may but it your choice.

Q: Do I have to attend in-person meetings at my school?

A: While we are teaching virtually, you are not mandated to go to any in-person meetings or events at your building. For any in-person meeting or event, your principal will offer a virtual alternative you may attend instead.

Q: Because of COVID, I wasn’t able to finish room prep before the first day of school. Will the date be extended?

A: Yes, since we are teaching virtually and not everyone is comfortable or able to prep their classroom during this time, the date for rooms to be ready for in-person teaching to receive the $100 room prep bonus has been extended to the end of August.

Q: Can I have items purchased with BEP funds shipped to my house?

A: While we are teaching virtually, you may have items shipped to your house. When we return to in-person lessons, you will need to bring all items purchased with BEP funds, along with the receipt, to your classroom. When we resume in-person lessons, you will need to have items shipped to your school.

Q: Is an in-person drive-thru style open house allowed?

A: Yes. If you are comfortable attending, you need to wear a mask and maintain social distancing the entire time. If you aren’t comfortable attending, it is not mandatory. Your principal will offer a virtual option.

Q: Should children be in my school building? Can I bring my children with me?

A: At this time, only MNPS personnel are allowed in buildings.

Q: Are we getting a step increase this year?

A: There will be a step increase for eligible employees that will go into effect once Metro Government certifies that the MNPS fund balance reserve will remain above 3%. We anticipate that will happen in August and pay will be retroactive to the beginning of the school year.

Q: Did pay get raised to $15/hour?

A: Yes, the MNPS School Board passed a budget that includes a $15/hour minimum wage for employees.