Mayor Cooper's Capital Spending Plan Announcement

We are grateful that Mayor Cooper has made public education a top priority throughout his term, and today’s exciting announcement that Metro is building two new elementary schools, Lakeview ES and Percy Priest ES, and remodeling Paragon Mills ES is just the latest in a series of significant investments for Nashville’s teachers, students, and families. These new schools are in addition to Lawson HS, replacing Hillwood HS, a new Goodlettsville ES, and an addition to Cane Ridge HS that will all open for the 23-24 school year.

Mayor Cooper has increased the MNPS operating budget by 20% in just three years, delivered meaningful pay raises for teachers and support staff, and guaranteed paid family leave for every full-time MNPS employee for the first time ever. Through his leadership, Metro is demonstrating what prioritizing teachers and public education should look like.

MNEA members were excited to have lunch with Mayor Cooper and be included in today’s event. Inviting teachers demonstrates the strong partnership between educators and Mayor Cooper. Moving forward, we are eager to continue working together to improve working and learning conditions for the teachers, staff, and students in Nashville.