COVID-19 Leave Options

Leave Options:

  • If you are fully vaccinated and have been exposed to COVID-19 but do not have any symptoms, you may continue to work. You will need to be tested 3-5 days following exposure.

  • If you are not vaccinated and are exposed to COVID, you will need to quarantine for either 1) 7-days if you test negative after day 5 or 2) 10-days if you do not get tested. You may work remotely during your quarantine. 

  •  If you have not been exposed but have two or more COVID-19 symptoms, you need to stay home. Before returning to work, you will need a negative PCR test or a doctor’s note. If you are able, you may work remotely while waiting for your test results. If you do not have a PCR test result or a doctor’s note, you will not be eligible to work remotely and will be required to quarantine for 10-days using sick leave.

  •  If you have received at least one dose of COVID vaccine and you test positive, you may use up to ten COVID leave days if you are too ill to work remotely. You will need to provide a doctor’s note and proof of your vaccination status.

  •  If you are eligible to be vaccinated and have chosen to not be and you test positive for COVID, you are not eligible for COVID leave. If you are able, you may work remotely. If you are unable to work, you will need to take sick leave. You may return to work after isolating for 10-days unless your symptoms persist.

  •  If your child has been ordered by a healthcare provider or the health department to isolate or quarantine and you need to stay home to care for your child, you may work remotely. If you are unable to work due to caring for your child, you will need to take sick leave.

  •  If you need to stay home to care for your child because your child’s non-MNPS school is closed, you will need to take personal and/or sick leave.

Other info:

  • If you are taking a sick/personal day or working remotely, enter your absence into SmartFind so a sub job number is generated.

  • If you are using COVID leave, enter it into SmartFind as a sick day and ask your principal or bookkeeper to change the coding to “Code 22- Quarantine”. 

  • To work remotely or use COVID leave, you must provide the appropriate documentation, such as a doctor’s note, proof of vaccination, doctor’s note, etc.

  • If you are a teacher working remotely, the expectation is that you will teach your students virtually.

  • If you need a Wi-Fi hotspot, let your administrator/supervisor know so one can be provided for your use during your quarantine/isolation period.