Retention and Compensation Committee Updates

As part of the MOU, MNEA members sit on both the Retention Committee and Compensation Committee. Below is an update of the work they have done thus far this school year.

Retention Committee - 

We are still discussing updating the transfer policy and discussing New Teacher Orientation and supports for new teachers. 

Compensation Committee -

The following recommendations have been made to Dr. Battle by the Compensation Committee: 

  • Longevity Pay Recommendation: The compensation committee recommends that certificated teachers are eligible for longevity pay supplements. Currently, only certificated administrators are eligible for the supplement. The current annual longevity pay supplement for certificated administrators is $1,545.00. The recommended longevity pay supplement for certified teachers is $1,250.00.

    Employees are first eligible for longevity payments upon the completion of twenty-five (25) years of creditable service, both within and outside of Metro Nashville Public Schools. To receive the longevity supplement, employees must also be in a full-time active pay status. Annual longevity payments for each calendar year are paid in equal biweekly installments beginning with the first regular payroll payment of each calendar year. Longevity pay supplements are set annually as part of the annual district budgeting process.

  • Step Increase Recommendation: The compensation committee recommends that step increases for the 2023-2024 school year be included in the district’s continuity of operations budget.