• Tennessee state law, 49-1-104, outlines the class size maximums for in-person classes as follows:
Grade Level Average Max Class Size
K-3 20 25
4-6 25 30
7-12 30 35
Career and Technical
Education 20 25
• The above class sizes are still in effect for in-person instruction.
• The State Board of Education has the authority from the Tennessee General Assembly to set rules and policies governing public schools in the state of Tennessee. Often these rules and policies are based on a law in Tennessee Code Annotated (passed by the General Assembly), but the rule/policy provides additional information or clarifies the law.
• In August 2020, the State Board of Education met and determined that class sizes for student enrolled in virtual education programs may be increased by up to 25% (SBE Rule 0520-01-17- .01(13)(a) CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLANS FOR THE 2020-21 SCHOOL YEAR)
• The State Board Rule also states that class size and caseload requirements for virtual special education classes must remain the same as required by law for in-person instruction (0520-01- 17-.01(13)(b) CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLANS FOR THE 2020-21 SCHOOL YEAR
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